Business Institutions Faculty

Carola Frydman
Business and Economic Institutions in Historical Perspective
Phone number: 847-467-4457
Office location: Jacobs Center Room 418

Brayden King
Leadership in Organizations
Phone number: 847-467-6950
Office location: Jacobs Center Room 389

Konstantin Milbradt
Corporate Finance
Phone number: 847-491-8618
Office location: Global Hub 4377

Ginger Pennington
Marketing Management
Phone number: 847-467-3041
Office location: SWIFT HALL, 2029 Sheridan Rd., #311

David P. Stowell
Investment Banking
Phone number: 847-467-0291
Office location: Jacobs Center, 2001 Sheridan Rd., #431
Jeff Bail - Sports Marketing in the 21st Century
Billy Banks - Entrepreneurship + New Venture
Navin Chopra - Corporate Finance
Al Cubbage - Contemporary Issues in PR
Alberto Cusi - Global Markets
Melissa Davis - Lessons in Nonprofit Management (campusCATALYST)
Lisa Dietlin - Lessons in Nonprofit Management (campusCATALYST)
Seth Green - Lessons in Nonprofit Management (campusCATALYST)
Janine Hill - Lessons in Nonprofit Management (campusCATALYST)
James Hornsten - Managing Risk
Liam Krehbiel - Lessons in Nonprofit Management (campusCATALYST)
Lorenz Kueng - Corporate Finance
Gregg Latterman - Positive Entrepreneurship
Nathan Leahy - Financial Crises in Literature
Candy Lee - Marketing Management
Scott Lerner - Entrepreneurship
Stephen Levin - Financial Markets/ Global Society
Edwin Linker - Analyzing Financial Data
Tony Mastracci - Lessons in Nonprofit Management (campusCATALYST)
William H. McLean - Theories of Financial Investing
Mike Radnor - Wicked Global Problems
Holly J. Raider - Leadership in Organizations
David Schonthal - Entrepreneurship
Verinder Syal - Leadership & Ethics
Michelle Vile - Consumer Behavior
Joan Zielinsky - Marketing Management