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Business Institutions Faculty

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Amy Falls

Theories and Practice of Investment Management
Vice President & Chief Investment Officer, Investments/Real Estate


Jeff Bail - Sports Marketing in the 21st Century

Billy Banks - Entrepreneurship + New Venture

Navin Chopra - Corporate Finance

Al Cubbage - Contemporary Issues in PR

Alberto Cusi - Global Markets

Melissa Davis - Lessons in Nonprofit Management (campusCATALYST)

Lisa Dietlin - Lessons in Nonprofit Management (campusCATALYST)

Seth Green - Lessons in Nonprofit Management (campusCATALYST)

Janine Hill - Lessons in Nonprofit Management (campusCATALYST)

James Hornsten - Managing Risk

Liam Krehbiel - Lessons in Nonprofit Management (campusCATALYST)

Lorenz Kueng - Corporate Finance

Gregg Latterman - Positive Entrepreneurship

Nathan Leahy - Financial Crises in Literature

Candy Lee - Marketing Management

Scott Lerner - Entrepreneurship

Stephen Levin - Financial Markets/ Global Society

Edwin Linker - Analyzing Financial Data

Tony Mastracci - Lessons in Nonprofit Management (campusCATALYST)

William H. McLean - Theories of Financial Investing

Mike Radnor - Wicked Global Problems

Holly J. Raider - Leadership in Organizations

David Schonthal - Entrepreneurship

Verinder Syal - Leadership & Ethics

Michelle Vile - Consumer Behavior

Joan Zielinsky - Marketing Management